Emmanuel Children's Home, Middelburg, South Africa

Emmanuel Child & Youth Care Centre (ECYCC) provides care and safe refuge for children who have been abused, neglected, abandoned and orphaned. Based in the town of Middelburg (Eastern Cape, South Africa). ECYCC is a registered NPO (non-profit organisation) in South Africa.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Thank You!

We wish to give heartfelt thanks to everyone who has been so kind to support the Emmanuel Children's Home, ensuring that its doors can remain open and we can care for the children we hold so dear. For every dark day we've had, we've had someone come along and offer us hope through their kindness. Our list of recent donors include:

Brightsparx - WTF Creative - Minister du Toit - Marieda from Middelberg Properties - Pieter Jooste - Dieter Bucher - GM Security - Pastor & Mrs Oboyo of Divine Hope of Glory International Church - Thinus Buitendag and Jolene Jacobs-Buitendag - Francois & Arinda van Tonde - Hein & Ronel Deysel - Vicky, Nicky and Gillian at VNG - the people who donated through Mark Nash and Marlin Merholz:

Paul & Candice Nash - Adam Bruch - Melanie Hall - Kate Bonollo - David Bratt - Judith Suhleder - Pia Maurer - Georg Hoffmann - Simeon Mueller-Goette - Tilman Roers - Paco Langjahr - Heike Schacher - Elias Ordelmans - Sebastian Schacher - Jens van Rennings - Jenny Janßen - Franziska Frohs - Esther Merholz - Gabi Merholz - Nanni Post - Frank Schlebes - Hilde Schlebes - Margot Merholz - Walter Dobbek - plus the following people by surname : Maassen - Bauer-Droege - Mantau - Hoffmann - Esmann - Buszek - Mullender - Krengel

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Home Improvements

Over the last few weeks the home has been a hive of activity with a lot of work being done to improve the home's facilities and environment, and carry out much needed repairs. This has included creating a new office, cleaning carpets and mattresses, repainting the kitchen, putting new doors on the rooms, and fixing the back gate. Led by all round handyman Bertus, with the help of the volunteers and the children, the improvements are really making a difference and helping the brighten up the home. It's only the beginning for Emmanuel Children's Home and we have many other projects in the pipeline.

Mark Says Goodbye

Mark, who has been a volunteer with the children's home for the last three months said a sad goodbye to Carol, Bertus and the children last week. Everyone has been through a dramatic time together, but it's been an amazing experience to share it and feel hope growing each day. Mark was sent off by a loevly display of singing and dance from the children, which was caught on video below. A big thanks to Luke for organising and leading this touching display! Mark will continue to help Carol and Bertus from back in the UK and hopes to come to help again in the not too distant future.

We are now pleased to welcome a new volunteer, Martyna from Canada, who will continue to provide much needed assistance for helping run the home and giving care to the children.