Brightsparx - WTF Creative - Minister du Toit - Marieda from Middelberg Properties - Pieter Jooste - Dieter Bucher - GM Security - Pastor & Mrs Oboyo of Divine Hope of Glory International Church - Thinus Buitendag and Jolene Jacobs-Buitendag - Francois & Arinda van Tonde - Hein & Ronel Deysel - Vicky, Nicky and Gillian at VNG - the people who donated through Mark Nash and Marlin Merholz:
Paul & Candice Nash - Adam Bruch - Melanie Hall - Kate Bonollo - David Bratt - Judith Suhleder - Pia Maurer - Georg Hoffmann - Simeon Mueller-Goette - Tilman Roers - Paco Langjahr - Heike Schacher - Elias Ordelmans - Sebastian Schacher - Jens van Rennings - Jenny Janßen - Franziska Frohs - Esther Merholz - Gabi Merholz - Nanni Post - Frank Schlebes - Hilde Schlebes - Margot Merholz - Walter Dobbek - plus the following people by surname : Maassen - Bauer-Droege - Mantau - Hoffmann - Esmann - Buszek - Mullender - Krengel