Olwam would have 1 year old today but she never lived to see this birthday which makes all of us at ECYCC very sad. She was living in the home starting from late 2012 and left in Spring 2013, removed from our temporary care to a supposedly better life to grow up in. We prayed that would be true. But a few weeks ago we heard the bad news that she had passed away in unfortunate circumstances, which we feel could have been avoided. We'll never know the full story of what happened to her after she left; all we are left with is numbness about the situation and some photos of a beautiful child which we'll treasure.
We will always miss 'baby', who was our little ray of sunshine and who we have fond memories of. Some things in life seem so unfair but while we express our deep disappointment and frustration with what happened, we try to look forwards and make sense of it the best way we can - it's for children like this ECYCC provides care. While they under our roof they are happy and always protected. We just wish that every child who moves on from the home stays this way and gets to grow up loved.